It is that time of the year when cultural marketing experts are thinking carefully about their Lunar New Year 2023 messaging. For many, Chinese New Year is seen as the most important holiday, and the month leading up to it is traditionally considered a time to make purchases and complete important tasks to welcome the New Year.

Chinese New Year often brings about a sudden increase in traffic for retailers, grocers, and the travel industry as Chinese families reunite and come together to celebrate this significant holiday.

It presents a prime opportunity for businesses to engage with Chinese customers and potentially increase sales. By tailoring your marketing efforts to this important cultural holiday, you can show appreciation and understanding of your Chinese customers’ traditions, potentially building stronger relationships and increasing brand loyalty.

Brands who are still having second thoughts about investing more efforts in marketing campaigns and strategies targeting the Chinese population should keep this in mind:

The 2021 Census says 1.7 million people reported being Chinese in Canada!

Many brands have realized that marketing to the Chinese population is more important than ever in North America. Let’s look at a great example:

Chinese New Year 2023 – The Year of the Rabbit

Also known as Spring Festival, this is the most important celebration for Chinese people in Canada and abroad. Celebrations typically start on the evening before the new moon and end on the evening of the full moon 15 days later. The final day is observed with the Lantern Festival. Each lunar year is related to one of the 12 zodiac animals and 2023 marks the Year of the Rabbit.

How does the Chinese community celebrate the festival?

During the festival, people typically spend time with their families and participate in traditional activities such as setting off fireworks, decorating their homes, giving gifts, and preparing special foods. It is also a time for everyone to express good wishes for the coming year and to honour their ancestors. The Spring Festival is an opportunity for the community to come together in celebration of their cultural heritage and traditions.

What’s in it for businesses during the Lunar New Year 2023?

Chinese New Year presents a unique opportunity for businesses to connect with Chinese customers and to celebrate and support cultural traditions. 

By offering promotions or special products or services related to the holiday, businesses can demonstrate their appreciation for their Chinese customers, potentially building stronger relationships with them.

In the past, many North American businesses have waited until a few weeks before Chinese New Year to start focusing on Chinese consumers, consequently inundating them with a flurry of cultural advertising. 

This approach, which often involves running generic “greeting ads,” can be ineffective as the messages can get lost in a sea of festive advertisements. Communications from unknown or unfamiliar brands may then be overlooked or forgotten by Chinese consumers, who may instead opt for brands they already know and trust. 

The result?

This approach can be detrimental to businesses looking to establish or strengthen their relationships with Chinese customers. Instead, it is crucial to start planning and executing marketing efforts well in advance of the Chinese New Year to ensure that the brand messages stand out and effectively reach and engage their target audience.

Why miss this awesome opportunity, eh?

If you need help in Chinese marketing, we have got you covered!

Celebrating Lunar New Year 2023 with Your Chinese Customers

woman on phone - Connect with chinese customers Lunar New Year 2022

Running Chinese New Year promotions or campaigns is a fantastic way to connect with your target audience. But it is important to do it in a way that is culturally sensitive and isn’t just about selling products. 

Traditionally, an “online to offline” promotion (O2O) inviting customers to a Chinese New Year celebration at your location may be effective. However, given the increasing dependency on digital platforms, we recommend focusing on social media and online engagements for this year’s celebrations to better connect with the Chinese population.

Check out these ideas:

  • WeChat: The social media app WeChat is very popular among Chinese locals in Canada who prefer it to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Giving red envelopes (hong bao) is a well-known tradition at Chinese New Year, but did you know you can do it digitally on WeChat? Gifting discounts or other incentives will be a big hit with your Chinese customers. You can also run WeChat Moments ads or create an enticing H5 game. Be sure to have Chinese customer service available (also on WeChat!) to respond to any questions or requests that may come in. 
  • Webinars and Live-Streaming: Webinars and live streaming can be an effective way to showcase your products or build rapport. Make sure that you hold your event before Chinese New Year – people will be more inclined to make a purchase. Budget for webinar promotions and prizes, make sure you leave enough time ahead of your event to promote it and don’t forget to follow up after the session.
  • Hybrid Events: In 2023, the idea of hosting offline events isn’t too far-fetched anymore. Consider focusing on a hybrid VIP event, where online participants can join a live stream and still be involved in any special giveaways or promotions from their own homes. Promote these on WeChat, and also consider a Chinese media buy. 

phone Chinese text - connect with customers on Lunar New Year 2022

  • Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing can be an effective way to reach and engage with your Chinese customers during the Lunar New Year 2023. Consider working with popular Chinese influencers or social media personalities to create content that highlights your products or services in a way that resonates with your target audience. This can help to build trust and credibility with your Chinese customers, potentially leading to increased sales and brand loyalty.

Check out how Vancouver International Airport did it right with the help of LAT Multilingual.

  • A Chinese New Year-themed Product Or Service: Offering a Chinese New Year-themed product or service can be a great way to stand out during the holiday. Imagine this –  a restaurant could offer special Chinese New Year-themed dishes, or a retailer could offer holiday-themed products. This can be a unique and memorable way to engage with your Chinese customers.

We found this awesome example for you:

Key Takeaways

Now that you have some actionable ideas on how to incorporate Lunar New Year 2023 into your marketing plan, we just have one cautionary note. When working with diverse audiences, it’s important to understand the history and culture of any holiday you choose and leverage it carefully and sensitively. A nuanced cultural marketing strategy ensures you can build strong, long-term relationships that will benefit your business and your brand.  

Consult LAT Multilingual for a personalized Chinese marketing plan

Our team includes in-house Chinese Marketing Specialists who are well-versed in Chinese culture, consumers, and social media, and have extensive connections with Chinese Canadian media and influencers. No matter what type of business you have now is the time to invest in the Chinese market with targeted marketing strategies. 

If you are ready to get started, reach out to us and let us know your brand goals. We will create a unique, comprehensive Chinese marketing plan that will help you reach this specific market, boost your brand awareness, and increase your return on investment.

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